In the beginning of your Surrogacy journey you probably did the following…
You probably researched online what the process was all about. You probably found surrogacy influencers and followed their content. You probably spoke to friends, family, and maybe even joined some Facebook groups. You hopefully felt more comfortable the more you learned, and you felt as ready as you could to begin your journey.
But no matter how prepared you are, no one could prepare you for the inevitable waiting game.
The constant battle of hurrying up to do something, but once you did it now you have to just wait.
Hurry up and get on the list, but wait months (or even years) to get matched.
Get matched, and hurry up to to start medical screening. But wait for the results. Wait to see if she is even going to pass medical screening.
Hurry up to sign the contract, but wait to make sure every I is dotted and T is crossed. Wait for it to be finalized and for everyone to sign.
Hurry up to schedule the transfer, and wait to see if it worked.
Hurry up to get to the pregnancy, but wait nine months for that baby to get here.
The waiting is the worse part.
How do we overcome this inevitable piece of this puzzle?
The easiest answer is to stay open and communicate with each other.
Come up with a schedule on how you will receive updates. Maybe it’s once a week, or after every appointment. If your struggling with the waiting talk to your social worker, or your psychologist. That’s what they are there for. They understand the waiting is hard, and they want to help you through this process. Remember the saying “Good things come to those who wait”? Well it’s true (for the most part). But staying in contact, and being open will go a long way for your mental health and for everyone involved.
Sometimes the waiting will feel never-ending, but remember most of the waiting is out of anyones control, so you must find ways to be patient. Maybe try some of these to get you started:
Distract yourself with other tasks that need to be done, or even things you know should be done, but you have been putting off.
Get physical. Go for a walk outside, or turn on some music and dance around like no-one’s watching!
Write in a journal, or send a letter to a loved on.
Clean the house (again).
We know the path to parenthood thru surrogacy has it’s complexities. Which is why we at Southern Surrogacy want you to feel like you have a family to rely on. We want to support you through it all. You are never alone in this process!