What to look for in an Intended Parent 


There are a lot of moving parts in a surrogacy journey and surrogates want to feel like they can communicate with you during this process. Touch base with your surrogate often during your journey, and not just about your baby. Taking an interest in their family and personal life is always a plus too! 

Connection and Deeper Relationship 

Southern Surrogacy differs from other agencies because our surrogates want to create a relationship with their IPs. To create a deeper and more meaningful bond with your surrogate, get to know her family. Talk about (or do) things together outside of your baby. Send pictures of the baby or make plans to get together after the baby is born. 

Respectful and Considerate 

Yes, your surrogate is providing a service for you, but remember she also has responsibilities. She has her own children, family, and work to keep up with. Be respectful of her time, and considerate when creating expectations during your journey.  

Don’t Hover 

We understand how difficult it can feel putting your trust in something so precious. Try to refrain from hovering or being overbearing with your surrogate. Having a good line of communication and creating meaningful relationships can help with this. If you feel you need something more from your surrogate, communicate with her. If it’s something deeper, talk to your psychologist or Social. They are provided to you for extra support, so utilize their services if you need them.  

Similar values & principles 

Having similar values and principles is beneficial to creating a positive experience. We at Southern Surrogacy require both our IPs and GCs to complete a questionnaire before being placed on the list to ensure a match is made on similar values. We also require a joint session with a psychologist to talk through certain topics to ensure all parties involved are on the same page. It is not required that your beliefs match up on every topic, but it is important you talk through hot topics, like early termination before you begin the next steps in the process. 

We hope this list provides some insight into what our surrogates are looking for in an Intended Parent. At the end of the day, we are all a team working towards the same goal. Hopefully, this list can assist you and your surrogate to create a meaningful and positive relationship together.